Evasive Bear

Bear in the fields behind our homes, en route to the Battenkill.

Bear in the fields behind our homes, en route to the Battenkill.


Bear seems partial to trash.  Since my trip to the dump, s/he’s turned up her/his nose at my burnt offerings.  Of course, we didn’t get the motion cameras set up until AFTER my dump excursion.  So I’ve been putting off writing this post, hoping that one night Bear would return and I’d capture its image on Candid Camera.  Well, I have several nice shots of Weston and Kodi (my dogs) nosing through the treats I left for Bear.  One nice close-up of Weston investigating the camera.  Several shots of my car coming and going from my drive way.  One questionable shot of a fuzzy back, which doesn’t look like either of my dogs.  But then we accidentally erased all the photos…  Anyway, Bear remains elusive.  Except for this shot my neighbor captured on his phone’s camera (shame it wasn’t an iPhone!).  Bear was walking down the path from our homes to the Battenkill River.  This photo reminds me a bit of all those famous shots of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot that floated around in the 70s.  I tried cropping and enlarging, but the phone is only 6 megapixels and the photo only became more grainy and unclear.  Bear remains evasive.

2 thoughts on “Evasive Bear

  1. I love this pic….just as it is. The colors are beautiful and it looks like a painting to me. I would frame it and hang it up in my house for sure!

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